P. A. Ritzer
P. A. Ritzer
Unmasked Outlaw, Part One: The Gym

Unmasked Outlaw, Part One: The Gym

P. A. Ritzer, Volume 4

The COVID mandates are no longer working for the Democratic Party.  “The science has changed,” claims purveyor of the culture of death Dr. Leana Wen, CNN medical analyst and former president of Planned Parenthood. 

How convenient.  Did the science change when the global-cooling crisis gave way to the overpopulation crisis that gave way to the global-warming crisis? Did the science change when “man-made global warming” became “climate change”?  Did the science change when the former president of the United States Barack Hussein Obama paid $13 million for a house on Martha’s Vineyard that, according to the man-made-global-warming and climate-change “science” he espoused, was supposed to be under water years if not decades ago? And can the science change again when they need another crisis that they cannot allow to go to waste? And where does the dubious “scientific consensus” fit into all this?

I’m sorry, I digress.  Back to COVID mandates. As I posted on social media on 11 February:  “The newest science is that Democrats' tyrannical pseudoscientific mandates are killing the party.” 

Maybe it is time to go back to the gym.

Why back to the gym?

Well, to start with, my wife has this endearing and subtle way of letting me know how much I mean to her by declaring periodically, “You better not die on me.”  And towards that end, she “encourages” me, in her various ways, in certain behaviors regarding food, drink, and exercise.  So she was happy when I signed up for my free senior membership at a recreation center, long after she had made me aware of it.

I have worked out at different times in my life for various periods of time for athletics or health.  But I come from a tradition where there was this unspoken expectation that if you perform physical labor you should produce something like a landscaped yard, a shingled roof, a new porch.  You get the picture.

But, given that I will not be producing as much along those lines any more, and that physical fitness is important to a healthy life, I acquiesced and started regularly attending the recreation center, and a fine one it is.  Not too difficult to work the elliptical as you gaze out through the wall of windows over an extensive park that carries your vision up into the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.  I could live with that.

Then the city dropped a mask mandate on the populace.  But, I could still work out without endangering my health–which no government should be able to force you to do–by pulling my mask down to my chin.  And all was going along swimmingly, until I was finally tattled on.     

Yes, tattled on, at sixty-one years of age, at the gym.  It conjured long-suppressed memories of the fluctuating anxiety experienced while sitting in my first-grade desk as a girl in the middle of the room pivoted in her own desk, with arm and index finger fully extended, until her point landed on the accused like a compass needle finding true north.  Thus was the teacher made aware of gum chewers, whisperers, gigglers, and any other pint-sized malefactors.  Fortunately, we had, for the most part, responsible, mature teachers back then who recognized how destructive class tattlers (not to be confused with those who report serious violations) could be.  They recognized the danger of unchecked self-righteous vigilantism to the accused, the accuser, and the community.  And so, if the teacher saw that the tattling was becoming a destructive habit, he or she would take up the matter with the tattler in a constructive manner.

At the gym the tattler was a grown man, in at least his fifties, and however tempted, I will refrain from any further description, concluding that he need not so much be exposed as prayed for.  Please do.

I was in a room about the size of a large basketball court with two, three, maybe four other people all spread out on any of the dozens of machines.  The closest person to me was some fifteen feet away.  I was working out on an elliptical machine to improve my health, and so, in that vein, I thought it in my best interest to breathe.  Thus I, as was my wont, slipped the useless mask, which I was required to wear to enter the gym, down to my chin, as most of the sensible young men playing basketball on the courts downstairs were doing.  But the old tattler caught a glimpse of me, and I got “the look.”  And I returned a steely one of my own: one more symptom of the social infection wrought by the Dr. Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma, corporate-medicine, establishment-government-and-media, dysfunctional, though highly profitable, reaction to the Wuhan COVID.

Shortly a pleasant woman around my own age came in and politely asked me to pull up my mask.  She said she was sorry she had to ask me, and I said I was sorry too.  So I pulled up my mask.  But mammal that I am, I have, especially when exercising, this nagging insatiable appetite for oxygen, you see, and conversely, an aversion to asphyxiation by inhaling exhausted carbon dioxide.  (Though the masks worn at the gym would do nothing to stop anyone from catching the virus, they were almost certainly raising to unhealthy levels the carbon dioxide breathed in by those exercising there.)  So, as my unruly mask, with the aid of the stubble on my chin and the movement of my jaw, chose to slip down past my nose, to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, I let it slip.  Shortly, the pleasant woman sneaked around from behind me and warned me again that I needed to pull my mask up over my nose.

As a patron who knew that the masks were useless for preventing transmission of Wuhan COVID, I was also one who had already acquired immunity to it.  And when I had signed up for my free senior membership, just weeks before, there had been no mask requirement.  And as I try to assert, whenever I can, my God-given human right to not participate in inanity, I typically do not wear the useless mask.  And yet, here I found myself, wearing a mask, but imperfectly.  Long story short, I did try to give the pleasant lady a polite science- and fact-based, frustratingly time-compressed explanation of the futility of the mask regime, then went downstairs to use the weights.  The tattler also went downstairs and worked out behind me, as I could see in the ubiquitous mirrors, watching me, lest I might seek breath again.  I finished my workout with no little annoyance, and have not returned, nor will I until the insanity of the reaction to the Wuhan scare subsides.

I appreciate that the gym lady was only doing her job responding to the tattler.  She was only enforcing the city’s . . . what exactly? . . . law? . . . ordinance? . . . rule?  What the heck was it she was enforcing?  Was it passed by any legislative body or imposed on us by some bureaucracy or executive or whatever?  Who knows?  Who cares?  Representative government has been pushed out of the way, and true representative government is in the way of the tyrannical reaction to the lab-made Wuhan COVID.  The administrative state has billowed out with the Wuhan scare.  It did not matter that not long before this incident the governor himself (however misinformed he was about the efficacy of masks and vaccines) had told Colorado Public Radio that the Wuhan COVID emergency was “over,” that people had had plenty of opportunity to get the vaccine, and if they had not, that was their problem, and that it was not the “job” of public health officials to “tell people what to wear.”  Yeah, thank you.

I have intuitively chosen not to participate in the masking except where doing so would prevent me from buying food and other necessities or visiting loved ones or anything so important.  Some of my reasons will unfold as you read, and are validated by more and more of the “science” being reported that is catching up with the common-sense science that many of us have been acting upon from the beginning. 

At the beginning of the Wuhan scare, maybe for a week or two, there was good reason to be cautious to make sure we were not dealing with something akin to ebola.  But from the very beginning, I was determined to live my life, and if I contracted the Wuhan COVID, I would get over it, gain immunity, and move on.  With a survival rate of well over ninety-nine percent, I would take my chances.  In the unlikely event that I did die from it, I had long accepted that we are all going to die from something, and I have Christian faith that this life, precious as it is, is just a drop-in-the-bucket prelude to the eternity that awaits.  As Thomas More says in A Man for All Seasons, “Death . . . comes for us all, my lords. Yes, even for kings he comes.”

I did catch it, the Wuhan COVID, symptoms starting on 11 March 2020, and had it for about nine weeks, seven or eight weeks longer than necessary had not the Faucists shut down the best medicines for early treatment like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin (IVM) (the miracle drug that even shows promise as an anticancer drug).  For the sordid, if not criminal, background to all of that, including the vaccines, remdesivir, and emergency use authorization (EUA), I recommend The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son and nephew of the Democratic icons and hardly a right winger. It is jam-packed to its tiny margins with all the information a person ought to know about Fauci and what is indicated in its subtitle, almost every fact-filled sentence worthy of quotation.

At about the time I was coming down with Wuhan COVID, Dr. Fauci, on 8 March 2020, was telling 60 Minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” He elaborated by giving reasons that masks were not necessary or effective and how wearing them could be counterproductive by possibly bringing about “unintended consequences” with people touching their masks and their faces, etc.  A month earlier he had told former Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell in an email, “I do not recommend that you wear a mask.”

Nevertheless, some twenty-one months after Dr. Fauci’s dismissal of masks before the mandate of masks, I was supposed to asphyxiate myself while working out in order to make the tattler fifteen feet away feel comfortable, or more likely, aggrandized.

In the midst of this madness, I reflect back on what I wrote on 16 May 2020 in a group-text thread.  It had been started by one who said that a guy “went off” at him at a store for only giving him ten feet of space, and that the guy had had a “meltdown.”  This was about the time I was coming out of my own bout of the Wuhan COVID.  The immunity gained from that bout was still intact even recently, and I expect it will be for the rest of my life on earth.  Anyway I contributed this to the 16 May 2020 thread:

IT IS ALL NUTS!  [Wife] was just saying how she never thought she would see the day where people in the US would be wearing masks like in China.  Last week up in the mountains at Walmart, went into aisle and realized I was doing something wrong.  Guy says to daughter, always some people who don’t follow the rules.  I asked what are the rules. I was going the wrong way, in a grocery aisle!  I said it is all nonsense!  Even the liberal nut job Bill Maher cannot believe how nuts it is.  I say this as a Wuhan survivor!  And I have complications!  It’s life.  Well we did just finally get to Mass and Communion.  First come first serve.  [Wife] and I cannot believe it.  It’s like living in one of those bizarre Star Trek episodes.  If people are so blanking scared, go to Confession and take a risk in a world where the Son of God died to free us from sin and the country where hundreds of thousands have died to protect our God-given freedom.  It is embarrassingly disgusting.  What have we become.

If we have to quarantine, we quarantine the vulnerable, not the whole blanking world.  This is the breeding ground for tyrants and they are rising up in great numbers!

                                             .  .  .

I watched a show the other night about Washington and the Continental Army and their privations throughout the War of Independence, not just Valley Forge.  And we are wearing masks and shutting down cities, and shutting down the Mass!  What the heck!   

And, in the mountains, back in May 2020, we were nearly incredulous and certainly amused to see people bicycling on mountain paths with masks on.  No one near them, in the wide-open air, with masks on.  We knew we were dealing with madness.

And it is madness.  In “Mass Formation Psychosis” Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD, MS, a pioneer in if not the inventor of mRNA technology, explains the madness that has taken hold of our culture in response to the Wuhan COVID. And that madness has embraced the lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and the entire virus psychosis that has ensued.

Who is Robert Malone
As many of you know, I have spent time researching and speaking about mass psychosis theory. Most of what I have learned has come from Dr. Mattias Desmet, who realized that this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of about 20-30% of the population in the western world becoming entranced with the Noble …
Read more

So, masks are, for the most part, worthless against Wuhan COVID.  The possible exception is what a physician with whom I am intimate said she learned from the earliest days of medical school, and Dr. Fauci affirmed in the 8 March 2020 60 Minutes interview: masks are to be worn by those who are sneezing or coughing to stop the spread of large droplets.  For some of the expert evidence of mask ineffectiveness against a virus and the harm the masks can do and are doing instead, see “Masks: The Science & Myths,” and “McDonald: Masking Children is Child Abuse,” and this article about Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES), and the websites for America’s Frontline Doctors, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance), and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

As more and more of this information breaks into the mainstream, remember who was right all along and how they were treated like quacks.  And try to imagine all the unnecessary damage that has been done to advance the political and cultural goals of the Democrats and other globalists who cannot succeed without fundamentally transforming the United States of America from the bastion of human rights and liberty it was founded to be into one more ugly oligarchy blighting the face of the earth.

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