P. A. Ritzer
P. A. Ritzer
Student Loans, High College Costs, and Illegal Immigration: A Solution (Part Four: The Role of Illegal Immigration in the Cloward-Piven "Transformation")

Student Loans, High College Costs, and Illegal Immigration: A Solution (Part Four: The Role of Illegal Immigration in the Cloward-Piven "Transformation")

P. A. Ritzer, Volume 13

Where does illegal immigration fit in?  You know that.  The student-loan programs that liberals use to enrich their propagandists in academia at the expense of taxpayers, and to indebt students and stifle their entrepreneurial instincts, healthy ambition, work ethic, independence, initiative, and common sense also remove college students from the need to do the work that college students used to do.  And, of course, that opens the door for illegal aliens to do that work.  And naturally, those illegal aliens are incentivized to support the politicians who support student loans and illegal immigration, because they give them an opportunity to walk right into our country illegally, without any repercussions, and stay here, make far more money than they would make at home, and if they wish, send that money home where it will buy far more than it will buy in the United States.  And so the politics of this country are skewed heavily by foreigners, who have no legal right to even be in our country let alone be involved in our politics, and who have little or no knowledge, understanding, or appreciation for the United States’ constitutional foundation upon the recognition of, and securing of, God-given human rights through limited representative government. Many of these aliens are coming from socialist or communist nations and have no concept of limited, representative government. And like the communist Tito in Yugoslavia, many of the countries from which these people are fleeing are using the United States, with the help of the Democratic Party, as a dumping ground for their poor, not to mention their criminals and mentally ill, that would otherwise overwhelm their dysfunctional socialist or communist systems.

And because illegal aliens are better conditioned for socialist rule and are likely to support their political enablers, there is the movement to grant them amnesty so that they will vote accordingly, though they have entered our country by breaking our immigration laws; cut in line in front of those who respect our immigration laws; taken jobs from U. S. citizens; lowered wages by doing so; and thereby have shown disregard if not contempt for the laws, traditions, and foundations of the United States they have invaded, with the consent and, indeed, the invitation of the Democratic Party.  Again, not only do illegal aliens take jobs from American citizens but, because they are not invested in the United States as citizens are, and are willing to work for less, they drive down the cost of labor to a point that those citizens who might do the work the aliens are doing end up making more money from government welfare programs.  Thus citizens learn not to work—a violation of human nature with devastating effects—and to support the enabling politicians. E. J. Antoni, a Heritage Foundation fellow, reported that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 90% of jobs created in the US in June 2023 went to foreign-born workers, an unknown number of whom are likely in the US illegally.

Furthermore, in true Cloward-Piven form (explained below), not only are citizens of the United States pushed onto welfare due to the illegal-immigration invasion, but countless numbers of illegal aliens are draining government welfare programs around the country. In Real Clear InvestigationsWhere Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-up Sanctuary Cities Are Only Part of the Answer,” it is estimated that under the Biden open-border policy “illegal migrants cost taxpayers over $150 billion a year.” That’s $150 billion every year! Add that to the $276 billion to bail out student-loan borrowers. That’s us, folks. That’s us footing the bill. And because of that, how many taxpayers, who would be willing to live on less just to live as they please, are unable to do so because they have to pay the taxes that go to others who spend it on goods and services to increase demand and raise prices that take more of taxpayers’ wages? Thus, the Cloward-Piven types just catch us up in these vicious cycles.

In addition, the Chamber of Commerce and employers are incentivized to support these politicians because illegal immigration provides cheap labor to contribute to bigger profit margins.  And businesses are enabled to support the outrageous salaries of the administrative class—the bloated MBA-industrial complex that produces and feeds itself on an ever reciprocating flow of meaningless work—rather than raise the salaries of and justly compensate the people in their companies who do the creative and meaningful work that earn them the profits to gorge the administrative class of both business and government.  As

, the great articulator of the mass-formation phenomenon as demonstrated in his interview with Tucker Carlson, points out in The Psychology of Totalitarianism, John Maynard Keynes predicted that by the end of the twentieth century people would only need to work fifteen hours a week to produce all that society would need, but: “what Keynes failed to consider was the creation of meaningless and useless work on an incredible scale,” what David Graeber would call “bullsh*t jobs” in his book so titled.1  And all of this makes it more difficult for those employers who do not wish to support illegal immigration because, in a system flooded with cheap illegal labor, they are forced to compete against employers who have far lower labor costs due to the low wages they can pay foreign workers here illegally. And, of course, those illegal workers can easily be paid under the table to avoid any complications.

Once the illegal aliens are in, the Democrats can employ their various ruses to have them vote and keep their Democratic benefactors in control, so that they can then grant the illegal, unchecked, unvetted, un-Americanized aliens citizenship and membership in the permanent underclass to make permanent their control and reduce the United States to a one-party state so sought by the totalitarians.

Rush Limbaugh, as was often the case, in his inimitable way, may have been the best at summing up the illegal-immigration scam.  Almost eight years ago, on the Rush Limbaugh radio show on 17 November 2015 he said:

The Democrat Party needs a permanent underclass of dependent people who are ill-educated, poor, maybe don’t even speak English well. They can’t survive without government assistance. That’s the Democrats—the ideal Democrat voter. The more of them the better.  That’s what amnesty is. That’s what their whole point is.

Rush elaborated on the illegal aspect of the matter on his show on 19 August 2015:

We have enough immigration law on the books to deal with this if we would just enforce it. We are not enforcing it, as you well know, and that’s strategic and political. It’s on purpose. This invasion is sponsored. This invasion is desired. Both political parties in Washington have their own interests in this invasion. The Democrats see new voters. The Democrats need to replace what’s going on at Planned Parenthood, frankly. Who do you think’s being aborted at Planned Parenthood? Their future Democrat voters.

They need to replace them. The Democrat Party also needs a permanent underclass of dependent, uneducated, low-skilled people who are going to have to be dependent on government to live. Ideal Democrat voters. The Republican desire is for the job market, what have you. But regardless, the DC establishment is interested—for different reasons—in this invasion continuing.

And I think we are missing the boat by accepting the terms offered by people who are in favor of this. It isn’t immigration. Under no definition can we call what is happening on our Southern border immigration, legal or illegal. It is an invasion. It’s an invasion of a certain type of person from certain parts of the world for whatever reason. They are fleeing poverty, they are fleeing war, they are fleeing destitution or they are seeking—in some cases, I’m sure—a better life.

They all are. But there’s no aspect of this that is immigration, and to deal with this under the auspices of so-called immigration law makes it sound like we don’t have any immigration law to deal with it. We do! We just are not enforcing it. So the desire to set up new law, come up with new laws and new procedures to deal with this is brilliant and purposeful in convincing people—or trying to convince people —that we have no system in place to deal with this, when we do.

And Rush continues: :

I’m gonna stop calling this illegal immigration ’cause I really don’t think that’s what this is. I think… Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a trap. But it does cause a different way of thinking about it. If people could change their attitude of what’s happening and look at it as an invasion—or if you don’t like that term, how about this? How about “colonization”? The left hates that term, right? Okay, if the word “invasion” is too much for you, if that makes you uncomfortable—you don’t want to think of the daily border crossings as an invasion—then think of it as colonization.

They’re not assimilating. There is no desire to assimilate, and we are not forcing it. We are making it very easy for subcultures to exist as subsets of the American culture or with no relationship to the American culture, and it’s destructive.

“Making it very easy for subcultures to exist as subsets of the American culture or with no relationship to the American culture, and it’s destructive.”  Thus, eight years ago, during the Obama administration, Rush Limbaugh was warning us that the illegal immigration, invasion, colonization was destructive, as it is in so many ways. 

And Rush would readily recognize the destructive Cloward-Piven strategy, of which he often warned his listeners, at work in all of this.  It was developed by a married couple, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, professors at Columbia University and members of the Democratic Socialists of America, who first articulated their scheme in a 1966 article in The Nation, “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty.”  They sought to overwhelm and collapse the welfare system in the United States and create “disruption” and “division” that would ultimately lead to a guaranteed annual income and support for and greater cohesion within the Democratic Party.  Ah, there’s that Democratic Party again.  Ironically the Marxists who support this strategy intend to drive socialism ever deeper into the United States, overwhelm it to the point of collapse, present that collapse as a failure of capitalism, and then call for its replacement with socialism/communism.  Articles by

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Objectivity is the Objective
In 1966, two Columbia University sociologists Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Piven — both members of the Democratic Socialists of America, wrote an article in the magazine The Nation, entitled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty…
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and Brian C. Joondeph in American Thinker further illuminate the strategy.

Nothing could have given the Democrats more impetus to flood the country with illegal aliens to rebuild their permanent underclass than the success Trump had in shrinking it by closing the border, enforcing our immigration laws, and lifting people out of poverty.

And in that Cloward-Piven vein, fellow Columbia alumnus Barrack Hussein Obama promised just before he was elected president of the United States on October 30, 2008, in Columbia, Missouri, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  For a concise treatment of how the globalist, Saul-Alinsky community-organizer Obama sought to achieve that transformation for the worse by milking the global-warming and/or climate-change scam to destroy the U.S. oil and gas industry and overwhelm the country with a flood of illegal aliens, see “Biden Continues Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America” by Laura Hollis in Townhall June 9, 2022.

The totalitarian aims of Obama to “transform,” and in fact reduce, the United States—from a country founded to secure the God-given inalienable rights of its citizens to just one more dysfunctional piece of the world puzzle to be ruled over by the dehumanizing global oligarchy of Obama, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, et al.—are well advanced by government student loans, student debt, high college costs, and illegal immigration.  And who better to play the puppet through whom Obama pursues his Cloward-Piven, Saul-Alinsky dreams than the laughable, though dangerous, Joe Biden, who, we are to believe, won 81 million votes from his basement (one of the most perverse and consequential gaslights in US history)? Who better than a man who, along with his extended family, has received millions of dollars of payments through dozens of shell companies from several countries, like China and Russia, that, along with Obama and friends, would love to see the United States torn down so that it could be “transformed”?  Who better than a man whose humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan included a drone strike that killed the family of a man who worked for a US aid group, including seven children, and left many US citizens and allies to the mercy of the murderous Taliban; the removal from Afghanistan to the United States of over 80,000 unvetted and mostly unqualified Afghans, and the lying about it; the abandonment of $85 billion worth of US military equipment for the Taliban to use and sell to numerous other enemies of the United States; and the abandonment of Bagram Air Base to the Taliban, and ultimately to the Chinese?  Who better than the man who is funding with hundreds of billions of US dollars the slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians possibly to the point of WWIII and nuclear war seemingly, at least in part, to cover for his family’s international influence-peddling crimes: think Burisma and “Well, son of a b*tch, he got fired.”?  Who better? indeed.

And, of course, that Joe Biden, and his administration, is thoroughly committed to the unchecked invasion of the United States by unvetted individuals from at least 103 countries, (other sources say at least 140) to expand the permanent underclass upon which the Democratic Party and the Cloward-Piven strategy depend.  Thus, under his administration seven million illegal aliens (and probably far more), more than the populations of thirty-five states, have entered the United States through the southern border his administration refuses to enforce. And the illegal, unchecked, and unvetted part of that equation assures the Democrats that the individuals invited and ushered into the United States will greatly expand the permanent underclass so necessary to Democratic control. 

Legal immigration cannot produce the volume of the type of individuals Democrats would need to exploit in order to gain and keep control.  Once the illegal aliens are in, the Democrats can employ their various ruses to have them vote and keep their Democratic benefactors in control, so that they can then grant the illegal, unchecked, unvetted, un-Americanized aliens citizenship and membership in the permanent underclass to make permanent their control and reduce the United States to a one-party state so sought by the totalitarians.

This treatment of Trump is what one gets when he throws a monkey wrench in the Cloward-Piven destructive “transformation” of the United States that the Democrats and the Establishment seek to bring about.

To gain these benefits, those supporting illegal immigration must keep it illegal. Despite the fact that many of these illegal aliens may just be seeking a better life and that they are being exploited, like so many others by the Democratic Party’s ruthless raw hunger for power, illegal aliens already show, by the way in which they enter the country, a disregard if not contempt for the laws of the United States that Democrats can exploit in their Cloward-Piven strategy to “transform” the United States of America.  The Democrats can also exploit the illegal aliens’ ignorance of and disregard if not contempt for our constitutional system, our culture, and our values.  The Democrats can also exploit the illegal status of those here illegally to make them dependent on the Democratic Party.  Is it any wonder that Democrats during the Bill Clinton administration would refer to illegal aliens as “instant Democrats” when they would round them up into stadiums to naturalize them? And could one ever offer a better representation of the diabolical nature of the “transformation” the Democrats seek to unleash on the United States than the flagrant wide-eyed lying and smirking of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Not only has he overseen the inhumanity of the illegal immigration crisis—including human trafficking, drug trafficking, and every form of human abuse—engineered by the Biden administration that has flooded the U.S. with at least seven million illegal aliens since Biden was installed in the White House, but Mayorkas has launched the CBP One app so that illegal aliens are funneled right into our official ports of entry. As Representative Matt Gaetz says: “Secretary Mayorkas built an app for the cartels. Illegal aliens no longer have to rush rivers, deserts, and Border Walls in Mexico to abuse our immigration system. Now they only need to download Mayorkas’ CBP One app.”

And one person, Donal J. Trump, the consummate outsider, called out illegal immigration, promised to do something about it, and did do something about it by overcoming all the unethical and illegal attempts to keep him from taking office and to remove him from office after he won the 2016 presidential election; building hundreds of miles of border wall and enforcing immigration law to end human trafficking, drug trafficking, and all the ways the invasion of illegal aliens overwhelms and destroys the United States; and garnering Republican politicians’ support for enforcing those immigration laws.  Unlike the Obamas, Soroses, Bidens, Pelosis, Harrises and others who seek to tear down the United States of America to fundamentally transform and remake it in their totalitarian, globalist, Marxist image, Trump supported our oil and gas industry to attain energy independence for the United States; rejected the “climate-change” scam designed to knee-cap the United States in the interests of its competitors, domestic “transformers,” and other enemies domestic and foreign, China foremost among them; cut taxes and removed pernicious regulations to supercharge the economy and lift the economic boats of all US citizens.

As the Democrats failed in their varied and wicked attempts to keep Trump from taking office in 2017—like trying to get electors in the electoral college not to vote for him even though he had won their states, and breaking out in violent riots—Democrats had to watch their permanent underclass lose some of its permanence. Trump cut the flood of illegal aliens into this country by enforcing United States immigration law with those hundreds of miles of border wall, the “Remain in Mexico” policy, Title 42, and requiring Mexico to provide thousands of troops to enforce the border, among other things. And as Andy Puzder reports in “The startling news about Trump's economy that mainstream media ignored” at FOXBusiness, Trump’s roaring economy (before China unleashed the Wuhan Flu) resulted in record income increases especially for minorities. After the Obama/Biden years saw 787,000 more people fall into poverty, the Trump economy lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty between 2016-2019 (4.1 million people out of poverty in just 2019 alone, dropping the poverty rate to a 60-year low of 10.5%, with minority poverty rates dropping more than the average), increasing the average household income 9.2% and reducing income inequality. Trump’s economy lifted 7.7 million people off food stamps. In addition, Trump’s economy dropped the unemployment rate to a record low 3.5% with the lowest unemployment rates in history for Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, and the lowest in decades for women. (For a treatment of how well Black Americans fared under Trump see “African Americans and the Economy under Trump” by Scott Turner in National Review.)

Nothing could have given the Democrats more impetus to flood the country with illegal aliens to rebuild their permanent underclass than the success Trump had in shrinking it by closing the border, enforcing our immigration laws, and lifting people out of poverty. The threat to the Democrats was not just that Trump did it but that he showed that it could be done. And because Trump was successful, he was unendingly persecuted by the Democratic Party and the Deep State with groundless and fraudulent accusations and investigations; doubly and invalidly impeached (even perversely and illegally after he had left office); handicapped for two or three years at the cost of some $50 million of taxpayer money by the Robert Mueller investigative team of nineteen overzealous Democrats that sought unsuccessfully to saddle Trump with the Russian collusion of which Hillary Clinton was evidently guilty; run out of office by a rigged election (the evidence of which just keeps rolling out, as in this case in Michigan, despite Establishment attempts to suppress it); and has been hounded ever since with more bogus accusations and investigations and now indictments, too, and the threat of arrest and imprisonment, the escalation of which uncannily follows the developing exposure of the Biden Crime Family’s influence peddling, bribery, and worse.  And he was continually lied about and misrepresented by the Democrats and the Deep State, and the legacy or “mockingbird” media they control, to create the Trump-Derangement-Syndrome form of mass formation. 

This treatment of Trump is what one gets when he throws a monkey wrench in the Cloward-Piven destructive “transformation” of the United States that the Democrats and the Establishment seek to bring about. The evil in these destructive efforts is not just in the actions themselves but in the threat they transmit to any other individuals who seek to return the United States to the constitutional republic it was created to be from the bureaucratic oligarchy it has become. Ironically, all these bogus accusations, investigations, impeachments, and indictments have served to make many of us marvel at how clean and legally conscientious President Trump actually has been, in stark contrast to deeply corrupt President Biden.

The Democratic Party . . . carries the mantel well for the progressive movement that rejects objective truths and morals and floats with the current whims and fancies of fallen man’s arrogation to the place of the God he disdains, dismisses, or believes does not exist.

So why do half of Americans still cling to the diabolical Democratic Party.  And I mean that, diabolical. How else can one explain the party’s complicity in, if not commitment to, the murder of unborn children (and the exploitation of their parents to get the grisly work done); the transgender mass formation and the sexual mutilation of children it promotes; men competing in women’s sports; every sexual deviation that can be imagined, especially when aimed at children in government schools; the well documented selling out of the USA to several adversarial countries by the Biden family; the “climate change” nee “global warming” mass formation designed to destroy the economy of the United States and the freedom of its citizens; the Antifa and BLM destruction of US cities; the destruction of the family by welfare programs; the deplorable state of crime and filth in Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, San Francisco, Baltimore, and now Denver; the Democrat defund-the-police movement; the corruption of the election system throughout the states; the persecution and fraudulent prosecution of political rivals and the citizens who support them; the weaponization of federal departments and agencies; and, of course, the destruction of the borders of the United States.  And then there’s the “reduce population” slip of Vice President Kamala Harris that fits in so neatly. Is it any wonder that I recently learned that a conservative acquaintance living in a blue state has had people coming into his office at work and quietly saying they really wonder if they can go on voting for the Democratic Party that they have supported their whole lives. AMAC’s article: “Are Americans Becoming More Conservative?” may help explain this phenomenon. And the age-old tactic of the Democratic Party, in traditional Marxist form, of projecting its nefarious intentions, schemes, and actions onto the Republican Party does not change the reality.

On the other hand, though the Republican Party is flawed, as are all human institutions, with corrupt members of the ruling class in its midst as well, it was founded as an anti-slavery party; fought to save the Union and end slavery; authored and passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments; fought against the Ku Klux Klan, lynching, and Jim Crow; authored and passed civil rights legislation from the 1860s on; has had a pro-life plank in its platform for decades; and has long protected First Amendment rights.  It has been opposed on all these fronts by Democrats. 

The Democratic Party is a political party of expediency since its inception in the Albany-Richmond Axis. It carries the mantel well for the progressive movement that rejects objective truths and morals and floats with the current whims and fancies of fallen man’s arrogation to the place of the God he disdains, dismisses, or believes does not exist.

Though many of the illegal aliens or unvetted refugees, who are brought into the United States to contribute to the Democrats’ “transformation” of America, are decent, hardworking people, as the Lord Jesus himself said, “but not all.” An illegal-alien soccer coach, Camilo Hurtado Campos, is accused of drugging and raping at least ten children in Tennessee after videos he took of the acts were found on his phone. An Afghan refugee, Osmani Haji Gil, in St. Louis City was recently arrested for allegedly grabbing a six-year-old boy from his bike and sexually assaulting him a week after he had tried to sexually assault a 12-year-old boy. (This is six years after David French in National Review wrote: “Have Afghan Refugees in Europe Launched a ‘Rape Jihad’?” He answers the question in the subtitle: “A compelling piece from a member of the foreign-policy elite suggests the answer is ‘yes.’”) Mohamad Barakat, a Syrian refugee, “part of former President Barack Obama’s massive wave of Syrian refugees, where nearly 20,000 were admitted from October 2011 to December 2016,” as stated in the article “Syrian Refugee Who Killed 23-Year-Old Fargo Officer Came to U.S. Under Obama” in Breitbart 24 July 2023, shot and killed one police officer, shot and injured two other officers and a 25-year-old female bystander in an “ambush” in Fargo, North Dakota. Fargo! Of the incident, Gateway Pundit reported, “Authorities recovered a hand grenade, explosives, canisters with gasoline, multiple guns, and 1,800 rounds of ammo in Mohamad Barakat’s vehicle.” In Pasadena, Texas, eleven-year-old Maria Gonzalez texted her father that there was a stranger at the door. She was then raped and strangled to death before her father returned to find her body in a plastic bag under his bed. A key left next to Maria’s body led them to eighteen-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, an illegal alien from Guatemala, who then confessed to the crime. These horrific crimes are just examples of the innumerable serious crimes committed by unvetted refugees and illegal aliens ushered into the United States by Democrats and the Establishment. I believe it was Mark Steyn who, after commenting that we have plenty of our own criminals, suggested that we were importing illegal aliens to commit the crimes Americans just won’t do.

That is where illegal immigration fits in. But there is more. Wait till you see who is knee-deep in illegal-immigration human trafficking in Part Five.

(And just a note here: if you would really like to understand the nature and depth of the corruption of Joe Biden and others of the ruling class in America, you can find few sources better than Peter Schweizer and his many books, including Red-Handed, Profiles in Corruption, Secret Empires, and Clinton Cash.)

(To be continued in Part Five)

Thank you.

P. A. Ritzer

© 2023 P. A. Ritzer


Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism (White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green, 2022), 28.